New Student Registration
If you are wanting to enroll a "New Student" (student that did not finish the previous school year in our district,) then follow the below steps to complete the online registration of your child into the South Conway County School District.
1. Create a PowerSchool Account or Log into your existing PowerSchool Account, if you have other students currently enrolled in SCCSD.
English Online Enrollment Form
Spanish Online Enrollment Form
NOTE: Please create only ONE account per household and use the email address to which all school district correspondence should be directed. Please retain your username and password for future use.
2. Complete Online Registration
Log in to your PowerSchool Account and register your New student. You can save your progress at any time to continue later. Please scroll to the bottom of each page to complete the entire online registration form. To save yourself some time, gather all of the required documents before you start uploading them.
3. Upload Documentation and Forms
If you have any issues with this, please contact the school office for assistance. We will gladly make paper copies to assist you.
Required Documents
Birth Certificate (For children born in Arkansas, a certificate may be obtained from the Conway County Health Office for a fee of $12.00. Parents must present a photo ID.)
Social Security Card (Contact the office, if you need an alternate number assigned.)
Current Immunization Records
Medical Physical
Proof of Residence (If your physical address is out of the county.)
4. Finalize Registration
(Once your registration has been completed, it must be reviewed and approved.)
Upon approval of your registration, you will be contacted to schedule your child’s kindergarten screening.
Returning Student Registration
If you are wanting to enroll a returning student (students that finished the previous school year in our district) you will be receiving an email with a snap code to enter when you sign on to PowerSchool. Use the below links along with your child's snap code to register for the upcoming school year.
Returning Student Registration Portal
English Online Registration Form
If you have not received an email please contact the school your child(ren) will be attending during the upcoming school year for further assistance.
Morrilton Primary School (Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade) - 501-354-9423
Morrilton Elementary School (2nd and 3rd Grades) – 501-354-9443
Morrilton Intermediate School (4th, 5th, and 6th Grades) – 501-354-9476
Morrilton Junior High School (7th and 8th Grades) – 501-354-9437
Morrilton High School (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Grades) – 501-354-9430